FLORIDA 2019: The Best of The Show, and Wrap-Up

Written by Merrill Audio

April 7, 2019

Best Large Speaker System: Merrill Audio

I’m hearing this music from outside the room, and I’m sprinting through the door frantically looking for a front row seat. I’m in disbelief that Merrill Wettasinghe has chosen Def Leopard’s Pour Some Sugar On Me, but even more so that this dumb song — which I thought was once held together with spit and chicken wire — now sounds fresh, refined, and scaled up like never before. Before me is the most powerful wall of clean force and control. Merrill has the volume cranked and I’m not the only one in the room with mouth agape. I’m in love. The presentation is beguiling in it’s realism.

With the Merrill ELEMENT 116s and Muraudio SP1s, while dialing through numerous tracks and genres it becomes clear this pairing is as strong in synergy, soul, dynamics, and detail (SSDD) as anything I’ve heard at the show. I’ve heard the SP1s before and they were stunning, but this is an awakening.